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Image of mysef.

My name is Fisnik, most people call me Nik!


I am a UI/UX designer who takes designing high-quality interfaces very seriously. As an interface designer, I create thoughtful interfaces which aim to make a user’s experiences of services more pleasant.


I’ve completed my undergraduate degree in Information & Interface Design (UX Design) at University of the Arts London. IID is a practice-led and digitally focused course which explores user experience and user interface, for current and emerging technologies.


Throughout my undergraduate degree, I have developed a keen interest in data, and finding ways to present complex data by making it accessible and understandable to the user. For example, creating a data visualisation which scrapped Facebook data using the Facebook Graph API, like, share count, comments, and developed an interface which presented this. I developed a tool which collects anecdotal data from the Kosovo-Serbia border dispute. I worked with R, a statistical computing language, to create a physical data visualisation for air pollution in London. Furthermore, I turned nonsensical raw IoT connection data into something a user can comprehend through an interface.


I enjoy developing working interfaces which actually help people and meet their needs. I designed and coded an interactive interface which helps users with speech impairments to communicate with others.


I am currently working as a freelancer and have two clients.


In my free time, I am a gamer, I love to cook, love to clean even more, and enjoy travelling with my family.

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