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Modual: Interact Global

Modual: Interact Global is a collaborative workshop run across three countries, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Australia. Students come together to work on a Playable Cities brief set up by founder Fred Deakin. 

The workshop was heavily focused on online collaboration through using software such as Fuze, Slack and to communicate with those in our group. With the 11-hour time difference for Australia, it did prove difficult at times. Nevertheless, it was an extremely fun experience. 

My team worked on the Bin Buddy. Our attempt at shining the light on litter within the city, and the issues surrounding it. We looked at the current system employed around London and noticed bins are quite dull, dirty, often invisible. Whereas in places like Copenhagen, their bins had multiple intentions. First, throwing your litter away - second, they also serve as a can collection point where the homeless can collect and sell them back to supermarkets. Therefore, we decided to change this by giving Bin Buddy a personality. This was done through facial animations created using After Effects, and a carefully chosen script from which the Bin Buddy would say phrases like: "You are one of my favourite pedestrians!", "Faith in humanity; restored" and "When I get emptied, I'll think of you". We promoted our idea through a Kick Starter like video we created using Unity (can be watched above). 

This project has taught me how to collaborate with others on a whole new level I've never experienced before. Allowed me to focus on a huge social issue and present ways to combat it. 

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