Continuing with my second idea, I used the openair library on R, and the London Air website to collect data on my four locations; Elephant & Castle; Euston Road; Old Street and Westminster. Below I have attached screenshots of the data:
The images show how I have worked out each of the pollutants as a percentage. Taking Elephant & Castle, 24% of pollutants are NOX, 20% Nitrogen Dioxide, 30% Ozone and 26% Particular Matter. Each of these will be represented through a different coloured powder. NOX is white, NO2 is red, O3 is yellow and PM is grey.
I decided that I would make the powder myself as buying it was a bit costly and I needed a lot. I found simple instructions online, adding water to cornflour and then food colouring. Below I have attached some photos and videos of my process:
The above images show the making of particualr matter powder. I repeated this another two times for NO2 and O3. NOX' powder will be white.
Whilst making the red powder, it dried quickly making it difficult to pour so it could set.
The yellow powder paint poured into a tray really easily.
I now need to wait till the cornflour, water, food colouring mixture dries so I can turn it back into a powder.

I waited till the next day for the mixture to dry up so I could turn it back into a fine powder.
This step is now complete.