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Writer's pictureFisnik

Speculative Practice — Expo

Today, Nevena, Winona and I presented our design fiction through an expo format. We printed our timeline, newspaper headline, user flow diagram, narrative and organised these objects on an A2 piece of paper. The image below shows how we achieved this.

Along with some treats - cupcakes, chocolate and millionaire shortbread - I placed my laptop with the marvel interface loaded beside our work, allowing our classmates to interact with our interface as one would in our speculative future. The images below show the interface we designed. Following this link allows you to interact with our interface yourself.

Our future focuses on a restaurant which serves desserts, mainly crêpes. The character we created, Jack, is craving some sweet dessert. When he arrives at the restaurant, he scans his finger on the restaurant tablet, which authorised the download of all relevant data from the government controlled data file about himself to Oui Crêpe. This includes his dietary requirements and any possible allergies. The third screen shows the 'suggested' desserts for Jack based on his data file. As Jack has type two diabetes, he is not displayed any high in sugar crêpes. Jack keeps refreshing the screen, hoping to see his desired dessert pop-up however, this does not happen. The last screen shows an error message as Jack has refused all the meals. To aid our narrative, we also created a story board which depicts this.

Some feedback we received by Gareth was about the 10 and 12th sketch. Gareth mentioned how it may be a good idea to have designed the interfaces with these two situations. Sketch 10 - the restaurants view of the individual. We did start some interface ideas for this however, decided to focus on a micro approach. Sketch 12 - the personal data profile page for the user (Jack), showing his food habits for crêpes.

Another artefact to support our future is a newspaper, with the 'CHAOS AS MEAL IS REFUSED' headline. This is our interpretation of a future tabloid newspaper, exaggerating a news story. The headline is based on Jack's narrative, refusing all the healthy choices put forwards by his data file.


More images from our expo:


Feedback we recived:

  • This is an excellent microcosm. Gives such a rick insight into your world.

  • The idea of removing the usual/regular process of giving verbal details and using a mobile device instead if very interesting. Removing the social media aspects also shakes things up in a good way.

  • Good idea and amazing storyboard

  • Great idea

  • This could be incorporated in today's society as you have described.

  • Concept: We lose self-determination! I want crepes

  • There should be one app that changes to a fit that specific scenario, not specific apps for one context.


Overall, this was a very fun project to work on. It has developed my design thinking for environments that seem unimaginable. Creating our own futures allowed me to expand my imagination and releave myself for the restrictions that would apply in a usual design project. Winona, Luke, Nevena and I worked well together, deviding the work load between us and creating detailed outcomes we were very happy with.



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