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Writer's pictureFisnik

User Journies in App Design

Updated: Jan 16, 2019

Journeys show progression from one stage to another. Whether it's the journey I take from my home to university, or the jounrey a user takes within an app - from suching up to making a transaction for example. Each stage is progression. When I get to the bus stop, the wait for the bus begins. When the bus arrives, the bus journey starts and I wait to arrive at my destination. When I get off the bus, I walk to the class. The sketch below shows my personal user journey from home to uni and back home.

Now I have started thinking about user journeys in app design. I have looked at an app which incorporates a reward system, as this will link closely to the brief. I have analysed the steps the user takes from the beginning to making a transaction.

App: Subway. Collecting Sub points which can then be used to redeem free drinks/ sandwiches depending on the amount of points available.

This is a good way to show the users journey through an app. By doing this, I am able gain a deeper understanding of how my currency will work. From this SubCard example, I like how the QR code is the first thing that pops up when the app is loaded, it is ready for scanning at the till saving a lot of time. Will this be useful in my currency?



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