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Writer's pictureFisnik

Submitting Adverts

There are three parts to my dashboard:

  • Viewing the data

  • Submitting an inference

  • Submitting an advert

I have written about the first two parts. This blog post focuses on the third and final step in the user's journey in D.O.D.

The user is only able to submit an advert after they have successfully submitted an inference. At the moment, my UX flow doesn't take into consideration the user viewing the already submitted adverts before they submit their own inference or advert. This was an oversight in my initial site planning. I have now rectified this in my UX flow diagram. The specific part of the UX flow can be seen in the image below.

I have decided that it would be appropriate, and make sense, in the user journey to add a 'view all adverts' button on the part of the interface which asks the user to submit an inference. The user is first made aware that they can submit an advert during the website tutorial. If the user doesn't interact with any data in the dashboard, it is literally a minimum of two clicks from the website tutorial to the 'view all adverts' button.


Advert Submissions

Below I have uploaded examples of submitted adverts by users. I love the style I have gone for. I restricted the typography available to Bitsumis, Lato, Comic Neue and Bitter. This has resulted in outcomes which follow the style of the interface. I like that there is still a sense of cohesiveness between my designed site and the produced adverts.

The produced adverts are interesting. Some have gone for calmly worded titles and descriptions. Others I feel have taken advantage of the situation being online and digital, which has allowed for more creative results, such as a mixture of lower and upper case - which would be extremely unseen in adverts. I feel the drawing adds an extra touch to the design however, it would have been much better if I allowed the colour of the stroke to be changed.

These adverts were successfully submitted to the database however, I have had to ask my classmates, those who have submitted these adverts, to take screenshots of their results as my Javascript code doesn't correctly display the outcomes on the view adverts page. There have been some technical difficulties however, for my blog post, this it doesn't matter.



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